



1. Lets management on their own for B & Bs fantasy world! - recommended for users who are looking for a new management game! - games, to run on their own fantasy inn in the movie fun! - Lets rebuild the kingdom hired the best mercenary!2. Lets make the best weapon hired a craftsman of legend! - Collect rare material, trying to make the special equipment of your own! - going to get the best of the merchant and the customers reputation through the deal!3. hiring mercenaries to collect the "swinging stone" trying to rebuild the kingdom! - do battle with the strongest dragon hired a charming mercenary. - try to maintain the best condition to provide a restful stay in mercenary!4. Lets make the inn in your own style! - Human, Dwarf, a lot of style inn, such as Elf construction5. dragon, let us grow in love the horses! - Dragon, horses training system - employment as a mercenary for the worst of the bounty become a path down tee Hunter■ inquiry E-mail address: [email protected]